5 Unusual cases of Rasahara and Yoga

5 Unusual cases of Rasahara and Yoga

Since one and half decade, I was getting amazed many times looking at the patient whom I felt, would be suffering badly due to their worse condition of disease. But opposite to that they were living comfortably, without any complaint despite of their aggravated pathological parameters. I always found that the YOGA is only reason behind this. Yoga, that is not only Asanas and Pranayama, but the life they live like Yogees. I desperately wanted to publish this experience through scientific way.

Here my dream came true in this paper. That is published in European Journal of Pharmaceutcal and Medical Research on 17th Jan 2019.

Ayurveda and Yoga Medicine Patients Presenting Unusual Medical Cases


Published papers on Rasahara and Ayurveda

Published papers on Rasahara and Ayurveda

We are living in scientific era, which is dominated by western world. Western scientists are not aware of the depth and strength of Ayurveda. We Indians need to prove it practically. So that the general Indian public will start believing Ayurveda again and the western world including scientific community will accept Ayurveda principles and can learn the nectar of Ayurveda knowledge. We started doing such efforts. People who want to take part in this work are welcome to write scientific papers by taking data from Rasahara clinics. All four Rasahara centers have a hand full of case studies including case series regarding to various diseases. 4 scientific papers are published yet in various international journals by the director of samiti.

Link of these papers is given bellow.

Datey P. Hankey A. Nagendra H.R. Lowering Creatinine Levels by Herbal Treatment and Yoga: a Pilot Controlled Trial. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research, 2017;4(1):452-456. 

Datey P. Hankey A. Nagendra H.R. Combined Ayurveda and Yoga Practices for newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Controlled Trial. Journal of Forschende Komplementärmedizin, 2017; 24

Datey, P. & Hankey, A. (2016) ESTABLISHING THE VALIDITY OF AHARA AND VIHARA IN AYURVEDA: Failure to Observe their Principles as Risk Factors for Disease. Annals of Ayurvedic Medicine, 5 (3-4), 69-77.

Datey P, Hankey A, Nagendra HR (2016) Ayurveda Herb Juices and Yoga for Blood Pressure and Pulse Rate: a Controlled Trial. Int J Complement Alt Med 4(3): 00121. DOI:10.15406/ijcam.2016.04.00121

Decoding Ayurveda

Heartiest congretulations to organizers of Samagama conference – “Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement” to organize such a nice conference.

Dr Alex Hankey, Research Director, SVYASA Bangaluru, togather with Mrs Purnima Datey presented a paper in an International Conference Held in City of Masoor. The topic “Decoding Ayurveda” atracted many of participants of conference.

  • Six Stages of Dosha Imbalance: Shadkriyakala

Shadkriyakala expresses

  • Six Stages of Dosha Imbalance: Shadkriyakala
  • Stages 1 & 2: Sanchaya & Pracopa

   Correspond to Hans Selye’s Stages of Stress Response: Adaptation and Maladaptation

  • Stages 3 & 4: Spreading & Localization

Concepts missing from Western Pathophysiology

  • Stages 5 & 6: Vyakta & Bheda correspond to Claude Bernard’s Pathophysiology: Local Effects in Local Organs
  • Disease and its Fatal Consequences

Stages of Departure from Optimal Regulation


  • Ayurveda: the Central Role of Regulation in Health
  • Six Stages of Dosha Imbalance: Shadkriyakala
  • Stage 1: Kapha Aggravation – Overweight
  • Stage 2: Meda Dhatu Dushya – IL6 Overproduction – Chronic
  • Stage 3: Pitta Aggravation – ‘C Reactive Protein’ in Excess
  • Stage 4: Vata Aggravation – Overstimulation of Immune System
  • Stage 5: Hashmoto’s Thyroiditis
  • Stage 6: Irreversible Damage èFatality

Stages 2-4 correspond to changes in Cytokine Levels

  Complexity and a New Definition of Life

  • Ayurveda: the Central Role of Regulation in Health
  • Stage 2: Doshas & Regulation
  • a. Regulation has a Threefold structure: Vata, Pitta & Kapha
  • b. This regulates overall System Function and Subsystem Function
  • c. Tridosha involves Multi-level Regulation
  • d. Dosha Regulation involves Epigenetic functions
  • At the level of Genome expression
Diabetes survey

Diabetes survey

Aarogya yoga evam rasahar shodh samiti

286/2A, Saket Nagar, Bhopal Ph. 2452186


            Diabetes is a growing epidemic all over the world, particularly in India. According to the World health Organisation, India had over 61 million diabetes patients in 2010. The expected figure for 2030 is 80 million. 

Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana, Bangalore, started a nationwide ‘Stop Diabetes movement’ to eliminate diabetes. To support it, Arogya Yoga evam Rasahar Shodha Samiti, Bhopal has started a survey of diabetics. We hope that people will support this program. The form provided is an obesity survey. In the coming months we will provide Yoga & Rasahar  to those in need who participate in this survey. So those suffering from multiple problems associated with diabetes, will get relief, and in future will not be dependent on medicines.

Purnima Datey                      Parul Kekre

   9425027273                       8989096659

Survey for Diabetes patients

Name ____________________________________________________


Mo.                                                                     E-mail

Weight____ Height______Age_______Gender______ Marital status______

Family History- Mother/Father/Siblings            Education___________

Latest report    FBS ______ PPBS________ Existing Medicine________

Alchohol/Smoking/Tobacco/Veg/non Veg       

Other associated problems – BP/ Heart/Eyes/Ears/Limbs/Digestion/Skin/

Others_____________________ Income group- Higher /Middle /Low Occupation– Service/Self/Retired/HW/Farmer/Student/Other____________

 Food time –Morning_____, Afternoon______, Evening_____, Night_____

Date________                                                                   Signature________ 

Theme: Overlay by Kaira
Bhopal, India